I’ve been so blessed this year with an AMAZING group of Senior Reps! Each one of them has their own personality and uniqueness! So with that in mind, I thought I would do something different with my 2012 Senior Reps and do a personal interview with each of them so you can get to know them better. Each week I’m going to “spotlight” a 2012 Senior Rep for CHP. The next lucky person chosen is Miss Brooke!
What High School do you attend?
Chapin High School
After college what are your plans?
Attend a four year college and study early childhood education
How would you describe your fashion style?
Boho and Classy
Do you have any nicknames? If so, what’s the story behind it?
As upsetting as it is and as much as I wish I had one I don’t have a nickname other than “Brookie” which doesn’t really count because everyone adds “ie” to the end of names.
Complete the sentence, “Always remember to…”
Think before you speak!
If you had a roundtrip ticket to any exotic location in the world, where would you go? Why?
I would definitely go to Fiji because the scenery is almost unreal and I would have to see it in person to believe something could be so beautiful!
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
At least thirty
If you had a big Hollywood budget to film a movie, what would it be about?
It would be a creating Bridesmaids 2 and if possible, making it even more funny than the first!
What do you like most about Craig Hewitt Photography?
Being able to have photographs taken by Craig and the opportunity to meet new people and get to know Craig personally!
Thanks Brookie Brooke for being YOU! You are an outstanding individual and a perfect fit for a CHP Senior Rep!
Brooke! i love your pictures and i am so sad we haven’t really had much time to talk and catch up this year but i’m so happy i got to know you over the years! you’re a great friend and you are so sweet to everyone, i know your future holds great things
Your pictures look gorgeous
aNd I loveee your shoes!!!
You’re gorgeous! I love your pictures(:
stunning pictures!
Love your pictures! I want to major in early childhood education also!!
Love your pictures! I’ll go with you to Fiji!
loved that you would make a second bridesmaids! you are SO gorgeous Brooke!
your pictures are so pretty
Such a cute outfit! i’m glad we got to meet this year! Bridesmaids is also one of my favorite movies… So funny!! Goodluck for your future plans in life and I’m sure you’ll be successful in what ever you do
your pictures are absolutely stunning:) had fun at the WISH photoshoot!!!
Brooke you are absolutely beautiful and your pictures look amazing!! I’m so glad that I got to meet you! You’re such a sweet person. Good luck next year in college girl! Oh and btw I LOVE bridesmaids so I’m all in favor for a second one!
You are so pretty and cute and these pictures really show it!! Great job!!
Brook, you are really pretty and your pictures look great!!! love the outfit <3