This week I got a chance to dive into the commercial photography market. My great friend, Matt Bridges, runs AVISTA. He just completed a job in Lexington, SC that was for a KILLER movie/media room. Talk about a slick set up…from the chairs, to the lights, to the ENORMOUS tv screen, to the futuristic remote control…everything about this place is TOP NOTCH! Check it out!!
It’s that time of year again!!! I’m in search of Senior Reps for the Class of 2013!!!!!! What is a Senior Rep, you ask??? Well, I’m looking for students who are currently Juniors in high school and will be graduating in 2013. Being a Senior Rep is super FUN & SIMPLE!! I’m looking for reps who are outgoing, stylish, creative as well as independent thinkers to spread the word.
You are probably asking yourself…”WOW, that sounds like something I would want to do…How do I sign up??”…….Glad you asked ~ You’ll need to complete the Senior Rep {APPLICATION} as soon as possible. You will have until February 19th to enter the contest. Here are some of the awesome benefits of being a Senior Rep for Craig Hewitt Photography:
- A FREE on-location mini session
- up to 10 watermarked images to share on Facebook
- exclusive incentive program
- cool rep cards to hand out to friends
- a chance to model clothing for WISH or Craig Reagin Clothiers…plus more!
There will be an interview process that will take place after all of the applications are all in. If you are selected to the interview round, a parent will need to accompany you for this process. Once the interviews are complete, I’ll make my selections and announce the lucky winners!
*Please note that only a select few will be accepted from each high school.*
If you have any questions about the application, please feel free to email me at –
You can also check out a {behind the scenes} video from a recent photo shoot to see what all the hype is about! You can also check out the AMAZING Senior Reps from the Class of 2012 and the Class of 2011.
The more students that enter the contest the better! GOOD LUCK to everyone!
I look forward to reviewing your application.
Craig Hewitt
{To see more of CHP’s portfolio, please visit the WEBSITE}
I’ve been so blessed this year with an AMAZING group of Senior Reps! Each one of them has their own personality and uniqueness! So with that in mind, I thought I would do something different with my 2012 Senior Reps and do a personal interview with each of them so you can get to know them better. Each week I’m going to “spotlight” a 2012 Senior Rep for CHP. The next lucky person chosen is Miss Kayla!
What High School do you attend?
Lexington High School
After college what are your plans?
To get married, have kids, and open up my own architecture firm.
How would you describe your fashion style?
Hmm…my style is a little bit of everything. Most days, it’s boho chic, but I have my preppy days too! I would live in my Nike gym clothes if I could though.
Do you have any nicknames? If so, what’s the story behind it?
I have lots of nicknames! Horse Rider and dufus are the main two. Long story, haha.
If you had to describe your life in one word, what would it be?
Lively. My life is really upbeat and busy. I’m always on the go.
If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be and why?
Mindreading would be cool just to see if people are being honest and upfront. And of course flying!
If I gave you an Elephant where would you hide it?
I don’t think I know of any good places big enough to “hide” and elephant. I would definitely put him in the backyard and introduce him to my horses though!
If, every time you entered a room, a theme song played to announce you, what would it be?
She Ain’t Right by Lee Brice
What do you like most about Craig Hewitt Photography?
Helping Craig’s business get exposure. I love that his pictures have meanings and reasons behind them. I was so touched by his story about Parker and Haley. He’s awesome and I want to do all I can to help him out. Meeting the other girls was also a great experience and the photo shoots are super fun of course!
Thanks Horse Rider, dufus Kayla for being YOU! You are an outstanding individual and a perfect fit for a CHP Senior Rep!
i love the very last picture!!! too cute!
Love your pictures! P.s I think your horse is gorgeous!
Your pictures are so cute!! PS I love your outfit 🙂
Kayla it was so wonderful to meet you at the mini shoot back in August! Your pictures turned out beautifully, and I’m jealous of your outfit! So cute!
I’m so glad we had both of the shoots together. You have a great personality & it showed through in your pictures(:
Lol Dufus! You re such a sweet AND gorgeous girl, glad we got to do the wish shoot together!
Your pictures look great! i love that top!
Had such a great time with you at the shoot! Your pics turned out great!
Your pictures are gorgeous! I had a great time at the WISH shoot with you(:
Your pictures are amazing- I love your outfit and interview!
Your pictures are beautiful! I love The blue accessory!
All of your jewelry is gorgeous and your smile is beyond beautiful! love all your pictures!
Love your shirt! And you have such a pretty smile!
Great job with the interview and your photos look beauuutiful!!!!
I love your boho look! These pictures are beautiful, and you have such interesting answers to your questions! I’m so happy I have the chance to be a senior rep with you.
I had a BLAST photographing Hannah for her senior photos yesterday…just had to post one of the MANY spectacular images we got!!!! Can you say FIERCE!!!! More to come soon…Until then, ENJOY!
You look amazing hann! Love the dress
I’ve been so blessed this year with an AMAZING group of Senior Reps! Each one of them has their own personality and uniqueness! So with that in mind, I thought I would do something different with my 2012 Senior Reps and do a personal interview with each of them so you can get to know them better. Each week I’m going to “spotlight” a 2012 Senior Rep for CHP. The next lucky person chosen is Miss Gracie!
What High School do you attend?
Calhoun Academy
After college what are your plans?
Hopefully to become a Pharmaceutical Rep…and eventually get married and have a family.
How would you describe your fashion style?
Well it constantly changes as the styles do…but I love to keep it classy! 🙂
Do you have any nicknames? If so, what’s the story behind it?
Gravy, Gray, and Grackie…my cousins just randomly came up with these over the years.
If you had to describe your life in one word, what would it be?
Blessed because of the people and experiences that God has placed in my life. 🙂
If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be and why?
Hmmm…Well either invisibility or being able to fly. I want to do what no one else has ever done! It would be amazing!
If I gave you an Elephant where would you hide it?
I wouldn’t, having an elephant would be way too cool to hide
If, every time you entered a room, a theme song played to announce you, what would it be?
Happy as the Sun by Tyrone Wells
What do you like most about Craig Hewitt Photography?
Getting the opportunity to meet so many awesome new people and the chance to take pictures in such a new and fun way… Mr. Craig is so talented!!
Thanks Gravey, Gray, Grackie Gracie for being YOU! You are an outstanding individual and a perfect fit for a CHP Senior Rep!
gorgeous! awesome interview!
Loveee the outfit!
omg Gracie your pictures are SO FIERCE!! “but i love to keep it classy”…yea girl!! Love it!!
I LOVE your outfit and your interview is fabulous!
That color looks awesome on you! Loved being able to meet you, and seeing you at your school that day! 🙂
GRACIE! i absolutely LOVE you! you are the sweetest girl in the world, and your pictures show your personality through them so well! i’m so glad we met and we’re friends! hope to see ya again soon too 😀
Your pictures are amazing and I am so blessed to be able to call you my very bestest friend! I am so glad that we got to be senior reps together. It has been so much fun! Love you !
Gracie it was awesome to get to meet you the day we had interviews! You are such a sweet girl and your absolutely beautiful!
Loooove your pictures you are so fierce!! I had fun working with you. Keep it classy 😉 haha and the outfits looked so good on you!
I love that green shirt on you it looks great with your hair! Amazing photos and interview!
Love the shirt! It Was great meeting you and I’m glad we met like the first day! It was good to kinda know someone 🙂 goodluck in your future plans!
You’re interview is awesome!! I love your comment about the elephant…I think the same thing too!!!
your pictures are so cute!! and i love your top:) great interview!
Your pictures are gorgeous! Love your interview(:
stunning pictures girl! I love your answer about your fashion style- gotta keep it classy!! 🙂
You are so pretty! I use to live in orangeburg and that’s where my dad went to school so that’s cool!
Can I just say I am IN LOVE with your top. Great interview!!
Oh my gosh I just read the answer to your theme song and I
Love it! You look beautiful in your pictures!
This is way too cool. Great pics Craig!