ATTENTION ATTENTION!! Be one of the first people to get a Craig Hewitt Photography T-Shirt! They are only $15!! Contact me soon with your size because these are sure to go like hot cakes!
Last February I purchased a totally rad vintage chair from a thrift store that needed some TLC. Well, the TLC the chair was needing was out of my realm of TLC so I asked a great friend, Karin Cathey, for her help in restoring my cool new chair. Of course she was so sweet and helpful and decided to jump right in and help me out…The chair had great “bones” but the fabric was a wreck. So, I picked out a cool red fabric that was going to be freakin AWESOME!
Well…here we are…almost a year later and still no chair…I was in no rush for the chair but I was anxious to see what the finished product was going to look like. Well, my waiting came to an end this past Friday! Karin delivered the chair to our house and had it waiting inside my living room to surprise me! As soon as I walked into the house I freaked out and said, “THAT’S MY CHAIR!!!!!!!!!!!” It is absolutely gorgeous and perfect! It was well worth the wait! Thank you so much Karin Cathey for all your hard work and time! You are the BESTEST!
Be sure to visit her blog to see the before and after photos of the chair! CLICK HERE
Here is the Alexander Family…again! 🙂 This is the third time this year that I’ve had the opportunity to photograph this wonderful family and each time is a blast! I absolutely love this family! If you want to see some of their previous sessions click HERE and HERE.
**If this post receives 25 unique comments, the Alexanders will receive a free 5×7 of their choice. Be sure to use the links below the post to pass along to friends.**
Beautiful pictures and lovely family! Amazing talent you have!
Craig, you are awesome!! You are such a blessing to our family, and these pictures are incredible!! I can’t tell you thank you enough 🙂
Hey everyone! This Christmas has had its ups and downs…our first with Ellington and our second without Parker and Haley. Every time we look at Ellington we see Parker and Haley inside of her. Here are a few photos from our Christmas weekend…plus a special photo of Parker and Haley playing in the snow in January 2009. Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers as we continue on our journey. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for caring about our family. We love each and every one of you.
Thank you for sharing. Ellington is so beautiful. Love and prayers from a friend in Lugoff, SC
wooha,how she has grown what a sweetie also mom and dad.god is so very very y’all harry and family
Wow! Ellington is so beautiful! I can see parker and Haley in their sweet little sis!Wonderful pictures! So glad that Ellington is doing so well-it truly is the hand of God! My thoughts and prayers are continually with you! Love in Christ,Kathy Deaton
crystal and craig…..i love the the pictures,ellington is sooo beautiful….i was looking at these pictures and started to cry,im so happy for you guys she is so beautiful…then i scroll to the bottom and couldnt control my tears….i miss all of you and miss the kids ,ut i know they are up their lookin down on all of you and watching over their lil sister….we send our love nd prayers to all 3 of you…we love you…..mickey and ray
Wow! She is growing so fast. I can see Haley & Parker when I look at her pictures. She is beautiful…I love your hair too Crystal. What touching pics, Craig. Take care ~ Amanda
Oh, she is growing so fast. I, too, can see each of the kids in her. These are great pictures. Craig, you do such a good job! Lifting you up everyday in our prayers.
Awesome pictures! Merry Christmas!
Craig, you are an AMAZING photographer! Of course, I am sure it helps to have beautiful subjects to photograph! 🙂 These pictures are wonderful! Crystal, you are gorgeous, and Ellington is such a cutie pie! She is the perfect mix of Haley and Parker. What a lucky little girl! The first picture is my favorite!!
Awesome pictures! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Beautiful!!! Thanking God for all He has done in Ellington and praying for Crystal, Craig and family!
I just read Crystal’s recent caringbridge post. Though we don’t know each other, my heart is both happy with/for you and sad with/for you. Your Faith in our God is truly amazing. Thank you so much for sharing your story and sharing your pictures. The Christmas pictures are just wonderful! I hope somehow it helps to know that many, many people pray for you and your precious family…. even people you don’t know! : )
Thank you for sharing these precious and special memories of your family. Parker and Haley are missed so much by so many. Your family is truly and inspiration for so many people. Especially this time of year. I’m sure You and Crystal had no clue how much God was going to use you in His work. An you both have stood strong and firm in His word TOGETHER, when so many of us would have failed. I hold you and the Fores close to my heart always, I will never forget June of 2009, and I will never forget how strong your faith is. It encourages me more everyday. My loosing my best friend and husband of 11 years in April of 2009 was nothing compared to your loss, yet, your faith keeps my head above water. Stay Strong ~ God Bless You both. An Ms. Ellington! Much Love
Crystal and Craig,
Such beautiful pictures!!! What a talent you have for pictures, Craig!!! What beautiful parents you both are, physically and spiritually!! I am so glad to finally see what you look like, Crystal. I feel so close to you all. Thanks again, may God bless you and your family in the New Year.
Paula Isaacson -
These pictures are too precious for words. I think about your family all of the time. You have no idea how many people in Greenville keep up with your story. If I ever have a baby, Craig…we are getting together for pictures! You really do an awesome job. Continuing to pray for your family and I hope you have a great New Year!
Merry Christmas, my loves! Thank you for sharing your SANTA BABY with us! You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Haley and Parker remain at the top of my list! Wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR! For with our Sweet Lord, we can do all things! Bless YOU, my precious HEWITT FAMILY!
The picture of the 3 of y’all is AMAZING!! My favorite of Ellington is her in the bumbo seat in the snow..precious!
I love the pictures of Parker and Haley! Too cute! What personalities!
Y’all are in my prayers!
Abbie -
Thanks for sharing the pictures. A mutual friend told me about your amazing faith and for your amazing miracle of Ellington. I really hope God continues to bless you and I am so sorry for your loss of Parker and Haley. It is a blessing to hear about how strong Ellington’s legs are getting and her ability to move! My brother was born with one thigh shorter than the other and he’s supposed to have surgery this January to lengthen the one. I know it’s a scary process, but I think we should remember that God has his hand over both Ellington and my brother, Jack and he’s going to use these “conditions” in a way that right now no one can imagine, but it is going to be such a gift to those cuties, bringing them closer to Him.
I’m praying for you guys out here in Arizona. Have a great holiday season and God bless!
Sincerely with Love,
Abigail Schultz -
These pictures are absolutely beautiful!!! Ellington is so precious and looks so much like her big brother and sister! What a blessing! Continuing to pray for you all…
I love the pictures. Ellington does look like both Parker and Haley. I pray that God will continue to keep you and your family in his healing hands. Only He Our Father God can heal your heart and body.
Craig you take awesome pictures. Beautiful Family .Holly
I am so happy for you guys. This made my day 😉
Amazing pictures! What sweet babies!
She’s so beautiful!!! You all are!
Here is the beautiful Byrom family! We embraced the chilly weather and had a blast capturing these images! Here are a few of my FAVs!
**If this post receives 25 unique comments, the Byrom family will receive a free 5×7 of their choice. Be sure to use the links below the post to pass along to friends.**
What beautiful girls! Madison has grown up so fast in the last year so pretty – what wonderful pictures! Best Wishes for each day forward Keith! Many blessing and prayers for you guys!
Awesome pictures Craig – praying for you and your family also!
Beautiful family!
Hey you Byrom’s are a GREAT looking “clan”. Love the pictures. Can we order some? Can’t wait to see you this summer.