RYAN & Kayla! What a cute and cool couple! We had a blast hanging out together! Check out a few of my F-A-Vs!!!!
P.S. If you would like an awesome haircut you need to go see Kayla at Logan Raye in the Vista. Call her today – 803-929-1130
RYAN & Kayla! What a cute and cool couple! We had a blast hanging out together! Check out a few of my F-A-Vs!!!!
P.S. If you would like an awesome haircut you need to go see Kayla at Logan Raye in the Vista. Call her today – 803-929-1130
KATIE KATIE KATIE!!!!!! Class of 2010!!!!!! For this session we went to her family’s property to capture some amazing senior photos! We had railroad tracks, chickens and a donkey named “Hector”. A big thanks goes out to her friend Rachel for keeping the chicken away during the shoot! THANKS RACHEL!
Also, if Rachel’s mom is reading this, Rachel told me that she really really really wants to do a photo session soon so give me a call so we can set things up for her (803-466-8077). Hope to hear from you soon… 🙂
P.S. Please feel free to leave a comment on the blog. I would love to know what you think of the senior photos! Thanks in advance for your help! 🙂
agh!!! i love them! u put up some of my favorites! thanks soooo much!!
beautiful!!! thank you so much for making this a super senior year for katie. we will never forget the time we had.
beautiful!!!! thank you so much for making katie’s senior pictures so special.
I love love love Katie’s pictures. You did an awsome job. Her big blue eyes are even “bluer” and beautiful. Thanks for doing a great job.
I LOVE THEM!!! they are WONDERFUL!!! I really like the one with Hector TOO CUTE!!!! 😀
I love Katie’s pictures! You did an AWESOME job!!
They turned out so good. Would love to do a family session one day
The class of 2010 is loaded with great students!! Check out Carissa!!! She did a fabulous job of modeling during her session. All she wanted to do at first was laugh and giggle but eventually she got the hang of it and things turned out beautifully! From old barns, to tractors, to swings…this session was country fun! Check out a few of my F-A-Vs!!!
You are so beautiful and sweet!
Craig- you did a great job and are so caring. Thanks
Aww how cute are these!! love them!
these are awesome carissaaaaaaaaaaaa! ahhhh pretty girl. good job craiggg!
i love them! they’re great!
carissa girl!!! you are gorgeous!! craig you take AMAZING pictures! carissa i will be expecting one of these! these are way better than mine at the stupid school by prestige! 🙁
Carissa girl your pictures are beautiful! i love all of them 🙂 you are gorgeous!
Check out the two kiddos! They drove all the way from Charleston to have their photos taken by me! Well, actually…they didn’t drive, their mom did. 🙂 I feel so honored to have been chosen by this family as their family photographer. Check out a few of my F-A-Vs!!!!!
I LOVE these Craig and have been thinking of you both!
I’d love for you to photograph my kiddos!
Such talent you have and I never knew you had such talent!
These are great! I love the one of the little boy looking up at the camera with his big blue eyes… too cute!
Love IT, Love IT, Love IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heather and Andrew are happy and it shows……. You, Craig, are AWESOME! YOU make EVERYONE shine! Love the music, too!
As always great pics Craig – BTW – Kayla does my hair she ROCKS – everyone should go check her out at Logan Raye!