I’ve been so blessed this year with an AMAZING group of Senior Reps! Each one of them has their own personality and uniqueness! With that being said, I will be conducting interviews with my 2014 Senior Reps throughout the year and “spotlighting” them each week on the CHP blog. The lucky person chosen for this week is Miss Casey!

What High School do you attend?
Irmo High

Are you planning on attending college after you graduate? If so, where do you want to go and what will your major be?
Yep, I’m thinking about doing two years at either USC or College of Charleston before transferring out of state. My major is undecided; the possibilities are endless!

After college what are your plans?
Career-wise I am still unsure. I hope to live somewhere by the coast, have a cute puppy to take on walks down the beach, and spend my time surrounded by friends!

How would you describe your fashion style?
Casual but feminine, with an edgy bohemian vibe. I love anything with crazy patterns, lacey details and unique jewelry (especially rings!) I tend to get lost in thrift stores.

Do you have any nicknames? If so, what’s the story behind it?
Only C-moff and Case face, for obvious reasons. When I was younger my best friend’s parents would call me Poccahontas because my hair was to my waist and I rocked the pigtail braids everyday.

Complete the sentence, “To me, God’s love is…”

If you had to give a 10 minute speech in high school, what would it be about and WHY?
I would probably rant about the importance of embracing your life to the fullest. We only get so much time on this earth and it’s vital to seize every opportunity you come across!

Who is your hero and WHY?
I really admire Marilyn Monroe’s outlook on life. She was very passionate; she loved herself, her career, and didn’t dwell on the opinions of others. “A girl knows her limits, but a wise girl knows she has none.”

Do you have any nicknames? If so, what’s the story behind it?
Only C-moff and Case face, for obvious reasons. When I was younger my best friend’s parents would call me Poccahontas because my hair was to my waist and I rocked the pigtail braids everyday.

Complete the sentence, “To me, God’s love is…”

If you had to give a 10 minute speech in high school, what would it be about and WHY?
I would probably rant about the importance of embracing your life to the fullest. We only get so much time on this earth and it’s vital to seize every opportunity you come across!

Who is your hero and WHY?
I really admire Marilyn Monroe’s outlook on life. She was very passionate; she loved herself, her career, and didn’t dwell on the opinions of others. “A girl knows her limits, but a wise girl knows she has none.”  

If you could go back in time for one day, what day would you choose and WHY?
I’d go back in time to any day that I could see the Beatles perform live! That’d be sweet.

What is your least favorite food and WHY?
Oatmeal. I’m a big texture person, mushiness just doesn’t appeal to this girl.

Fill in the blank…what’s your favorite:
Bumper Sticker Slogan: Life’s a garden, dig it.
Birthday Memory: Last year for my 17th I went to a Maybach Music concert and got close enough to touch MGK!
Unusual Food Combination: I like to dip my oreos in milk. I’m weird.
Book: Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

What do you like most about Craig Hewitt Photography and WHY?
I love the way Craig captures the moment with beautiful colors, creative sceneries and fashionable models. Also, he is very personable and you can tell he is passionate about his work!

Thanks C-Moff, Case Face, Poccahontas Casey for being YOU! You are an outstanding individual and a perfect fit for a CHP Senior Rep!

I’ve been so blessed this year with an AMAZING group of Senior Reps! Each one of them has their own personality and uniqueness! With that being said, I will be conducting interviews with my 2014 Senior Reps throughout the year and “spotlighting” them each week on the CHP blog. The lucky person chosen for this week is Miss Emily!

What High School do you attend?
Irmo High School

Are you planning on attending college after you graduate? If so, where do you want to go and what will your major be?
Why yes of course, I guess I will grow up one day! I plan to attend Clemson and major in Pre Medicine.

After college what are your plans?
To attend MUSC to get my Doctorates degree in Neonatology.

How would you describe your fashion style?
Casual Chic…duh!

Do you have any nicknames? If so, what’s the story behind it?
“Em” no reason though, just short for my name or Princess and Lil Bit, those both given to me by my dad.

Complete the sentence, “I never understood why…”
“I never understood why… some people chose to fail and give up when given such an amazing opportunity called life.”

If you could make a new law what would it be and WHY?
To get rid of all tobacco products!! Because they’re disgusting!

What is something you appreciate about the way your parents raised you and WHY?
They were always very mature about situations and handled things positively. It wasn’t about getting spanked or told how bad you were; instead it was why it was bad and how we could fix it. I feel that this not only helped me become more mature quicker, but also helps me deal with situations more positively today.

What is something you have done but would never do again and WHY?
Well I try to live my life without regrets, therefore I’m not a huge risk taker and honestly can’t think of anything that I wouldn’t do again because of something but instead do it a little different next time.

Everyone aspires for success, but what drives you to work so hard and WHY?
I have a dream to one day be able to help people through the field of medicine, and that anything I set my mind to will be accomplished with hard work and dedication. I firmly believe in the goodness in people and I want to bring it out through my work in medicine and to me that enough of a drive to keep pushing!

Fill in the blank…what’s your favorite:
Chore: yuck…who likes chores, but I guess laundry because it’s not dirty!
School Subject: Math and Science
Ice Cream: Chocolate Moose Tracks
Starbucks Drink: Strawberries and Cream Frap

What do you like most about Craig Hewitt Photography and WHY?
I know you’re awesome and the pictures will be as well so set aside from that, I think I will enjoy the new friendships I will develop.

Thanks Em Emily for being YOU! You are an outstanding individual and a perfect fit for a CHP Senior Rep!

I’ve been so blessed this year with an AMAZING group of Senior Reps! Each one of them has their own personality and uniqueness! With that being said, I will be conducting interviews with my 2014 Senior Reps throughout the year and “spotlighting” them each week on the CHP blog. The lucky person chosen for this week is Miss Paige!

What High School do you attend?
Chapin High School

Are you planning on attending college after you graduate? If so, where do you want to go and what will your major be?
Yes! I want to go to the University of Alabama and major in Orthopedic medicine / Sports Medicine.

After college what are your plans?
I want to work in the NFL as the team doctor. It may sound a little outrageous but it is definitely something that I want to do and something that can be done. I mean every team needs a doctor plus who wouldn’t want to travel all around the country and be on the field at NFL games?

How would you describe your fashion style?
Very classy but sometimes casual. It’s a mix between eclectic styles with vibrant patterns and vintage chic. Accessories are always required with my outfits, especially earrings!

Do you have any nicknames? If so, what’s the story behind it?
Yes, Texas!!! I use to live there for 4 years before I moved to South Carolina. When my cross country team heard of this last year all of my teammates began calling me Texas. It has been spread around to a lot of people and I loved being called it.

Complete the sentence, “I never understood why…”
They have life jackets under the seats of airplanes and not parachutes.

If you could make a new law what would it be and WHY?
There should be free public college just like how there is free public elementary school and high school. In this day in age everyone, regardless of economic state, is concerned about the cost of college.

What is something you appreciate about the way your parents raised you and WHY?
I appreciate that my parents raised me with strong morals and values. They always put emphasis on how important your faith is and they always talked about God.

What is something you have done but would never do again and WHY?
Eat a huge salad before running a 5k. I think we all know why haha…

Everyone aspires for success, but what drives you to work so hard and WHY?
I think that the end result always drives me to work hard. Knowing that I’m going to potentially achieve a goal and make a difference really drives me to work hard.

Fill in the blank…what’s your favorite:
Chore: Cleaning my room
School Subject: Math
Ice Cream: Ben and Jerry’s Coffee Heath Bar
Starbucks Drink: Java Chip Frappuccino

What do you like most about Craig Hewitt Photography and WHY?
I like how unique everything is. Each picture taken never looks the same and each has a different look and style to it. It’s awesome!

Thanks Texas Paige for being YOU! You are an outstanding individual and a perfect fit for a CHP Senior Rep!

Meet 2014 Senior Rep, Lisa! She totally rocked it for her session!!! Do you agree??? 🙂

And who doesn’t love a good outtake! 🙂


Click HERE to see more photos of 2014 Senior Rep, Lisa. She is a special part of the CHP family.